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Magic is believing in yourself
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

With that in mind, you will be able to:
- Respond assertively to a changing environment
- Open your mind to new possibilities
- Create a better version of yourself
- Reevaluate your relationships
- Change aspects of your life
- Live your life on your terms
- Establish new life purposes
- Rediscover yourself
Welcome to viauki!
Here you get to know about my Life Coaching services to help people achieve their goals
My name is Loredana Salutari, founder of Here I bring to the open my professional services as life coach, neuro-linguistitcs programmer and hypnotist, for people’s well-being and self-improvement. As a trained professional, I assist people in identifying realistic strategies to achieve their goals in personal and professional areas of their lives.

My professional services are delivered through conversational sessions that engage clients in a creative and stimulating process, encouraging them to reach their full potential in the areas of life they wish to change.
I offer coaching in English, Italian and Brazilian Portuguese languages.
Common subjects that motivate people in requesting my services
- Reframe the relationship with parents
- Prepare for a move abroad
- Overcome relationship breakdown
- Create life goals aligned with one’s values
- Strengthening involvement with the partner
- Managing fear from school exams
- Redirecting one’s career path
- Surpass obstacles related to sexuality
- Enhance mutual understanding at work
Hear and Read Stories of Those Who Embraced Life
Discover the inspiring journeys of two remarkable individuals who embraced self-discovery and growth. Click below to hear and see their personal testimonials.
What communication approaches I use
Neuro-Linguistics Programming and hypnosis are the essence of my coaching services
Our brain is a powerful learning machine, able to reprogram itself when stimulated by activities that combine intuition and logic for a specific outcome.
To support the client in creating well-defined goals, I use communicative approaches of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) or hypnosis, sometimes combined. This decision is based on the individual’s response to stimuli, indicating a preference for one over the other.
Whatever the communication approach, the client actively participates in the goal-setting process, through activities that stimulate intuition and logic, approaching reality from multiple perspectives, in order to overcome obstacles, find answers and achieve the results they desire.

When adopting NLP, I often use supporting material including charts, questionnaires and posture exercises.
When adopting hypnosis, it often happens that the client relives emotions and remembers events from his past, returning to the moment of the experience: we call this phenomenon ‘regression‘. We use the regression to allow the client to dialog with their unconscious parts and find new solutions to the aspect of life that they want to change, by using their inner resources.
My coaching strategy
The person focuses on the present and creates an agile strategy
to achive the desired future
1. Uncover your mindset
My coaching strategy is based on helping the client to focus on the here and now, uncovering their current mindset, based on their environment, behaviour, abilities, skills, values and identity, and then defining what goals they wish to achieve in the short-, mid- or long-term future.
By uncovering her/his mindset, the client will most likely come to understand what limiting beliefs have preventing them from achieving the desired outcomes. The client will probably change their perspective and come up with one or more new goals for their lives as a result of this approach.

2. Create a blueprint of yourself
In order to reach the desired future, the client creates a blueprint of themselves, aligned to their core values. It is like when defining a roadmap, to travel from place A (Now) to place B (Future). The most suitable route is determined by taking into account the person’s inner resources, as well as the environmental factors that might influence their arrival to the desired destination.

3. Identify actions
To help the client throughout the goal setting process, I challenge them to identify what actions they shall implement on a timeline. This enforces the client’s perception that their are responsible and accountable for the results of their own actions. Alongside, we identify risks and impediments and define a strategy to handle them by setting limits and mitigation.
We then set up a task board for the actions, with acceptance criteria, priorities and deadlines. We define a backlog for actions not planned yet, but important to be taken sooner or later.
The client implements the actions and handles risks and priorities in accordance with the planning on the task board.

4. Check your performance
We periodically check the work progress and make a retrospective to measure the client’s performance and make corrections to their actions, in order to keep the target achievable.
As the client’s needs might change in this process, we work to keep our plan adaptable enough for unplanned actions that would bring positives results for the goal.

5. Celebrate and create new goals
The process of working on every action and risk, as well as monitoring the performance continues until our coaching program is completed.
When the coaching program is completed, the client might want to continue on their own, by using what they learned to create new challenges in their life, or start a new coaching program for new goals.